I'm a huge admirer of Japanese rod designer Kazutomo Ijuin. He is one of those guys with a perfect pitch for tapers. This blank first appeared to me via a customer blank project, resulting in an extra order for this amazing blank. Tomo calls it "hard parabolic", and that's what it is! 7'05'', 4wt in relatively thick-walled E-glass, this parabolic blank has a stiff mid and tip, which makes it a highly capable caster, throwing bullet loops with great accuracy. The rod was appointed in Fine Tackle style with blued NS skeleton and a rubber butt cap. The grip is 5.5'' long and has a bark ring at the top to give it all a rough flavor. Dark nickel guides and golden YLI silk wraps. This rod will be offered together with a matching reel designed by my friend Josh Young in Taiwan. The gun blue color is a perfect match to the hardware of this rod. The set will be available through Alternative Tackle in the near future, stay tuned!